About Flora, Fauna, & Merryweather - Bonded Trio
Estimated Dates of Birth: 2/11/2017
If you think one floofy calico beauty is irresistible, try resisting THREE!! We are a bonded trio of sisters who, at eight-years-young, still have a lot of hopes and dreams - most of them revolve around coming home with you. We are very sweet and will seek you out for attention and affection. We are pretty laid back but definitely can still get our play on - mostly string, feather, laser light and Cat Dancer. We like treats, being brushed and getting our floofy tummies rubbed. We might not sit on your lap right away, but we will flop down pretty closely. We're not stuck like glue to each other - we're still individuals - but we are similar in a lot of ways. The more you get to know us, the more you'll see how we're alike and how we differ. If you are willing to open your house to this ready-made trio, we are more than ready for you!