Sudoku — ADOPTED
You may see my name and think I must be a numbers guy...Okay! Let's look at some numbers, and don't judge my spelling!
The ONE thing you need to know is that I'm ready TWO go home with you. I have THREE favorite games - Laser Light, String, and Cat Dancer - and if you play with me, I'll love you FOUR-ever. You'll have to give me at least FIVE minutes to warm up - I like affection but don't really initiate it. I have a SIXth sense you'll know how to win my heart (with a good Churu treat - hint hint). I love to birdwatch, so I'd be in SEVENTH heaven if you put a cat tower by the window. If you brush me and rub my belly, I'll be on cloud NINE. What happened to EIGHT?! It would be GR-EIGHT if you could come get me right away! My corny friend from NAHS is embarrassing me with this biography… although, I do have to say all of it is true. I can’t wait to meet you and be your TEN out of ten kitty companion!